Best Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth

Foods That Naturally Whiten Teeth

Do you know that some foods can treat teeth discoloration? Read to know the foods that naturally whiten teeth. 

Certain foods can help make your teeth look better. Here’s the list of foods that naturally whiten teeth and give you a beautiful smile. 


Even though they’re red, strawberries have something called malic acid, which can lighten stained teeth. This acid can also make your mouth produce more spit, and it helps protect your teeth from problems like cavities. Fruits like strawberries are the foods that naturally whiten teeth.


Watermelon has more of something called malic acid compared to strawberries. This malic acid might help make your teeth look whiter and also make your mouth produce more spit.

Some people say that the texture of watermelon, which is a bit fibrous, can scrub your teeth and remove stains. But there’s no scientific proof to support this idea.


When it comes to pineapple, it’s one of the effective foods that naturally whiten teeth. Your teeth have a protective layer called a pellicle, which can also catch color from food and cause stains. This layer can also give bacteria a place to stick to and create plaque, making your teeth look discolored. 

Pineapple can naturally break down this pellicle layer because it contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can break down proteins, including the ones in your pellicle layer.

It also helps break down plaque, a sticky bacteria film on your teeth. Plaque can cause cavities by making acids that hurt your tooth’s outer layer.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are the foods that naturally whiten teeth. Things like milk, cheese, and yogurt can protect your teeth from acids that stain them. They also have lactic acid and calcium, making your teeth whiter and stronger.

Dairy Foods For Teeth Whitening
Dairy Foods For Teeth Whitening


Apples are crunchy; when you chew them, they act like natural scrub brushes for your teeth. This helps get rid of plaque. Like strawberries, apples also have malic acid, which you can find in some toothpaste.


The white part of orange peels can help clean your teeth better than the inside of the orange. Orange peels have vitamin C, which is sometimes in strong teeth whiteners. Rubbing the white part of orange peels on your teeth can reduce plaque and make them whiter.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Munching on crunchy veggies like carrots, celery, and broccoli can help make your teeth whiter. When you chew them, the high water content in these veggies helps wash away dirt and bacteria that can cause stains on your teeth.

Broccoli is among the excellent foods that naturally whiten teeth. It has a lot of iron, which protects your teeth from cavities and stains.



Drinking water is super important for your health. It keeps you hydrated and also stops your teeth from getting stained. Water reduces the acidity in your mouth, which can harm your tooth’s outer layer. It’s a good idea to rinse your mouth with water after eating foods or drinks that can stain your teeth.


Eating cheese is good for your teeth when things like acid and sugar from food wear down your tooth’s outer layer, called enamel. When the enamel is worn away, the layer under it, called dentin, can show through, making your teeth look yellow.

Cheese has calcium, which makes your tooth enamel and bones stronger. It also has something called casein, a protein that helps fix your tooth enamel. Plus, when you chew cheese, your mouth makes more spit, which helps get rid of bacteria and keeps your mouth clean.

The best cheese for your teeth are aged, soft-ripened, and blue cheeses. Avoid processed cheeses like American and nacho cheese.


The blog guides you on foods that naturally whiten teeth. Avoid using acidic and sugary foods. Eat leafy green and dairy products to whiten your teeth. Contact Dentalsways for more information on natural teeth whitening


Can strawberries really whiten teeth?
Yes, strawberries contain malic acid, which can help lighten teeth.
Do dairy products help whiten teeth?
Yes, dairy products like cheese contain calcium and casein, which can strengthen and whiten tooth enamel.

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