Crowns & Bridges Procedure Explanation 

Low Cost Dental Crowns Abroad

Dental crowns, also known as dental caps, are dental restorations that cover and protect damaged, decayed, or aesthetically imperfect teeth. They are custom-made prosthetic devices designed to mimic the shape, size, and colour of natural teeth, providing both functional and cosmetic benefits. 

Dental crowns are commonly used to:

Restore Damaged Teeth: Dental crowns are an effective solution for teeth that have undergone significant decay, trauma, or wear. They provide strength and protection, preventing further damage and restoring the tooth’s functionality.

Strengthen Weak Teeth: Teeth weakened by large fillings or root canal treatments may require additional support. Dental crowns can reinforce these weakened teeth, providing stability and preventing fractures.

Improve Aesthetics: Dental crowns can enhance the appearance of misshapen, discolored, or crooked teeth. They can be made from materials that closely match the natural color of your teeth, creating a seamless and aesthetically pleasing smile.

Support Dental Bridges: Dental crowns serve as anchors for dental bridges, which replace missing teeth. The crowns are placed on the adjacent teeth to support the artificial teeth in the bridge, restoring the appearance and function of the missing teeth.

Cover Dental Implants: Dental implants, which replace missing teeth from the root up, are typically covered with dental crowns. The crown is attached to the implant, providing a natural-looking and functional replacement tooth.

Types of Dental Crowns:

Dental crowns can be made from various materials, each with its own advantages and considerations:

Porcelain-fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns: These crowns have a metal substructure covered with a layer of porcelain. They offer strength and durability while providing an aesthetic appearance due to the porcelain exterior.

 E-MAX Crowns (All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crowns): These crowns are entirely made of ceramic or porcelain, without a metal substructure. They provide excellent aesthetics, closely resembling natural teeth, and are suitable for individuals with metal allergies.

Metal Crowns: Metal crowns, usually made of gold alloy or base metal alloys, are known for their strength, durability, and resistance to wear. However, they are more noticeable due to their metallic colour and are commonly used for molars.

Zirconia Crowns: Zirconia crowns are known for their exceptional strength, durability, and natural appearance. They are highly translucent, making them a popular choice for front teeth restorations.

Procedure for Dental Crown Placement:

The process of getting a dental crown typically involves the following steps:

Tooth Preparation: The affected tooth is carefully prepared by removing any decay or existing filling material. The tooth is shaped to provide space for the crown.

Impressions: An impression of the prepared tooth is taken to create a custom-made crown that fits perfectly. The impression of the crowns is sent to a dental laboratory, where the crown is made.

Temporary Crown: While the permanent crown is being created, a temporary crown is placed to protect the prepared tooth.

Crown Placement: Once the permanent crown is ready, the temporary crown is removed, and the new crown is carefully fitted, adjusted, and cemented in place.

Bite and Aesthetic Evaluation: The dentist ensures that the crown aligns with your natural bite and checks for proper fit and aesthetics.

Dental Crowns Cost Abroad

The cost of dental crowns abroad can vary depending on the country, the dental clinic, the type of crown, and other factors. Generally, dental crowns abroad are significantly more affordable compared to Western countries. Here are some approximate price ranges for dental crowns in popular dental tourism destinations:

Asia (e.g., Thailand, India, Vietnam):
  • Porcelain-fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crown: $150-$400 per crown
  • All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crown: $250-$600 per crown
  • Zirconia Crown: $400-$800 per crown
Eastern Europe (e.g., Hungary, Poland, Turkey):
  • PFM Crown: $200-$500 per crown
  • All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crown: $300-$700 per crown
  • Zirconia Crown: $400-$900 per crown
Latin America (e.g., Mexico, Costa Rica, Colombia):

PFM Crown: $200-$500 per crown

All-Ceramic or All-Porcelain Crown: $300-$700 per crown

Zirconia Crown: $400-$900 per crown

It’s important to note that these are approximate price ranges, and actual costs may vary based on individual cases, the complexity of the procedure, additional treatments required, and the chosen dental clinic’s reputation and quality of materials used.

When considering dental crowns abroad, it’s crucial to consider the overall cost, including travel expenses, accommodation, and any necessary follow-up visits. Additionally, thorough research and careful selection of a reputable dental clinic with experienced dentists and a track record of delivering high-quality care is essential to ensure a successful and satisfying dental treatment experience.

It’s advisable to consult with multiple dental clinics, obtain detailed treatment plans and cost estimates, and inquire about any warranties or guarantees offered for the dental crowns. This will help you make an informed decision and choose the best option that balances affordability with quality dental care.

Dental Crowns Cost Abroad (In USD)

Dental CrownMexicoCosta RicaColombiaThailandUSA
All Porcelain Crown$420$395$490$500$1,800
Porcelain Fused to Metal Crown$395$395$450$300$1,100
Zirconia Crown$450$450$600$500$2,000
E-Max Porcelain Crown$470$450$500$650$2,000
All-Ceramic Crown$420$410$590$500$1,500
All-Ceramic Bridge*$1,260$1,230$1,770$1,500$4,500
Porcelain fused to Metal Bridge*$1,200$1,200$1,350$900$3,300

Affordable crowns aboard & a splendid vacation!

Advantages of Dental Crowns:

  • Restoration of Tooth Function: Dental crowns can restore the functionality of damaged or decayed teeth. They provide strength and protection to weakened teeth, allowing you to chew and bite properly.
  • Aesthetic Improvement: Dental crowns can greatly enhance the appearance of your smile. They can cover discolored, misshapen, or crooked teeth, improving their color, shape, and alignment.
  • Durability: Dental crowns are longevity and  durability. With proper care, they can last for many years and providing a long-term solution for tooth restoration.
  • Natural Appearance: Modern dental crowns can be made to closely resemble natural teeth, both in color and texture. They are designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, resulting in a natural-looking smile.
  • Protection for Weakened Teeth: Dental crowns can protect and strengthen teeth that have undergone significant decay, large fillings, or root canal treatments. They act as a protective barrier, preventing further damage or fractures.
  • Versatility: Dental crowns can be used in various dental procedures, including restoring single damaged teeth, supporting dental bridges, and covering dental implants.

Disadvantages of Dental Crowns:

  • Cost: Dental crowns can be relatively expensive, especially in some countries. The cost may vary depending on the material used, the complexity of the case, and the location of the dental clinic.
  • Tooth Preparation: Before placing a dental crown, the affected tooth needs to be prepared by removing some of its enamel. This irreversible process may result in tooth sensitivity, and in rare cases, it can lead to complications.
  • Potential for Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to certain dental crown materials, such as metals or porcelain. It’s important to discuss any known allergies with your dentist to ensure the appropriate material is chosen.
  • Potential for Tooth Sensitivity: After receiving a dental crown, some individuals may experience temporary tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. This sensitivity typically subsides within a few weeks.
  • Risk of Dental Crown Fracture: While dental crowns are durable, they are not indestructible. Excessive biting forces, teeth grinding (bruxism), or traumatic injury can potentially cause the crown to fracture or come loose.
  • Maintenance and Potential for Decay: Dental crowns require regular oral hygiene practices, including brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups. Without proper maintenance, there is a risk of decay or gum disease around the margins of the crown.

It’s important to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of dental crowns with your dentist to determine if they are the right treatment option for your specific dental needs. Your dentist will consider factors such as the condition of your teeth, your oral health, and your budget to help you make an informed decision.

Top Destinations For Dental Crowns Abroad

  • Mexico
  • Costa Rica
  • Thailand
  • India
  • Vietnam
  • Colombia
  • Turkey
  • Romania
  • Philippines

Before selecting a destination overseas for cheap dental crowns, it is essential to pick the right clinic.

Choosing the wrong provider may lead to low dental work.

Here is a checklist for you when you are selecting a dental clinic for low-cost dental crowns abroad:

✅ The clinic should provide the treatment that you require.

✅ Registration of the clinic with national organisations is must.

✅ The clinic must possess international accreditations.

✅ Check for the qualifications and experience of the dentist.

✅ Learn about the sterilisation and sanitation protocols followed by the dental clinic.

✅ Ask about the warranty offered by the dental clinic on dental procedures.

✅ Lastly, find out if the staff speaks English. If not, are there any translators available?

We hand-pick the best clinics for the safety of our patients.

Our clinics are with the checklist above to ensure that you get the best dental service for you

What are the Best Country for Dental Crowns?

 Turkey, Mexico, Thailand, Colombi, Costa Rica, Spain, India ,Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Vietnam, and Hungary are the top destinations for dental tourism. These locations provide you with high quality and low cost dental crowns..

Contact us for more information on low-cost dental crowns abroad.

Dentalsway provides you with the top clinics for your safety and comfort.

Dental Crowns FAQ

How long do dental crowns last?
The longevity of a dental crown depends on the material used. It also depends on oral hygiene. Proper oral hygiene and regular visits to the dentist can make your crown last for decades. The average lifespan for well-maintained crowns is 5-15 years. Metal crowns may last longer.
Do crowns stain over the years?
Yes, like natural teeth, crowns can discolor with time. However, their level of staining is usually minimal. The staining is lesser than your natural teeth, and it can be polished out if needed.
How do you maintain a dental crown?
Some common dental crown problems are fractures and chipping. To maintain your crowns: Brush your crowns, like your teeth, gently twice a day. Flossing around the crown is essential to prevent food lodgement. drinks like tobacco,coffee, and red wine. Wear a mouthguard if you bite or clench your teeth often. Avoid sticky and hard foods, as they can stick to your crowns and pull them free.
How long does the dental treatment takes?
The treatment requires two trips to the dental clinic. During the first visit, your dental team will prepare the tooth and take the impressions and note the shape of your tooth. Additionally, a temporary crown is made and attached to the tooth using temporary cement. This is done to protect the tooth and for the ease of chewing. In the second visit, your dentist will fit the permanent crown and usually about 3-4 days (at max) between appointments. Some clinics can finish crowns on the same day as tooth preparation using a CAD/CAM machine, and then The tooth will be prepared and designed on the computer, and milled in the clinic itself.
Does it hurt to prepare a tooth for a crown?
No. You will be given local anaesthesia so you do not feel the area for the treatment.
How will I eat between dental visits?
Your dentist will give you a temporary crown to use the tooth while waiting for the permanent crown to be made. However, you should avoid eating sticky or hard food. They remove the temporary crown as cement is weaker and then the one used to bond the permanent tooth.
Does it hurt to prepare a tooth for a crown?
No. You will be given local anaesthesia so you do not feel the area for the treatment.
What is the replacement cost for crowns?
The cost of replacing the new crown is the same as the new one because your dentist’s expenses and time taken are the same.
Does a crown protect the underlying tooth from gum disease and decay ?
No, it does not,as long as there is a good seal between the cement and the tooth, it is still protected and the crown does not protect the uncovered part of the tooth or root near the gum line,it is important to clean and brush the crowned tooth just like any normal tooth.
Is there a cheaper alternative to dental crowns?
Yes, extraction of the teeth is cheaper,once you get an extraction you will have to replace the extracted teeth with an implant or a removable denture.

Affordable Dental Crowns Abroad: Enhancing Your Smile without Breaking the Bank


Dental crowns are a popular restorative dental treatment that can enhance both the appearance and functionality of damaged or decayed teeth. However, the cost of dental crowns in some countries can be a barrier for many individuals seeking this dental solution. In recent years, an increasing number of people have turned to affordable dental crowns abroad, where high-quality dental care is available at a fraction of the cost. In this blog post, we will explore the concept of low-cost dental crowns abroad, discussing the advantages, considerations, and important factors to keep in mind when considering this option.

Cost Savings:

The primary reason individuals choose to get dental crowns abroad is the substantial cost savings. Many countries, particularly in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America, offer dental treatments, including dental crowns, at significantly lower prices compared to Western countries. The lower overhead costs, labor expenses, and favorable exchange rates contribute to the affordability without compromising the quality of care.

Qualified and Accredited Dentists:

Before considering dental crowns abroad, it’s crucial to ensure that you choose a reputable dental clinic or dentist. Look for professionals who are highly qualified, experienced, and accredited by recognized international organizations. Read reviews, check before-and-after photos, and ask for referrals to ensure that you receive treatment from skilled professionals who adhere to international standards of dental care.

Comprehensive Treatment Packages:

Dental clinics abroad often offer comprehensive treatment packages that cover all aspects of the dental crown procedure. These packages typically include consultations, diagnostics, the dental crown itself, and follow-up care. By opting for such packages, patients can have a transparent understanding of the overall cost and receive all necessary services conveniently.

High-Quality Materials:

Despite the lower cost, dental clinics abroad often use high-quality materials for dental crown restorations. This ensures durability, aesthetics, and functionality, allowing individuals to enjoy the benefits of their dental crowns for an extended period.

Travel and Accommodation:

When planning to get dental crowns abroad, it’s essential to consider the logistics of travel and accommodation. Look for destinations with good accessibility, affordable flights, and convenient transportation options. Many dental clinics abroad also provide assistance with travel arrangements and can recommend nearby accommodations or even offer on-site lodging. Consider the total cost, convenience, and quality of services when evaluating different options.

Communication and Language:

Many dental clinics catering to international patients have multilingual staff and translators to facilitate effective communication. Before making a decision, ensure that you can comfortably communicate with the dental team and that your questions and concerns can be addressed in a language you understand.

Post-Treatment Care and Follow-up:

Dental crowns may require post-treatment care and occasional follow-up visits. It’s essential to discuss with the dental clinic abroad how they handle post-treatment care and what options are available for follow-up visits, including any necessary adjustments or potential complications. Some clinics may offer remote consultations or collaborate with local dentists in your home country for ongoing care.


Seeking affordable dental crowns abroad can be a practical option for individuals looking to restore their smiles without incurring excessive costs. With careful research, selection of a reputable dental clinic, consideration of travel logistics, and open communication, individuals can enjoy the benefits of high-quality dental crowns at a fraction of the cost. However, it is important to weigh the potential cost savings against the considerations and make an informed decision that aligns with individual needs and preferences.

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