Foods to Avoid with Braces

Foods To Avoid With Braces

Do you still need to learn about the foods to avoid with braces? You’ve come to the right place. Read to know what foods you must avoid that can damage your braces and maintain your oral health. 

List of Foods to Avoid with Braces

Here’s a list of foods to avoid with braces. Let’s explore more.

Hard and Crunchy Foods

While pivotal in achieving a stunning smile, braces require diligent care, including mindful dietary choices. Foods to avoid with braces encompass a spectrum of items, with hard and crunchy foods being one of the main culprits. These solid edibles can pose significant risks to the integrity of your orthodontic appliance.

Examples of hard foods to avoid with braces

  • Popcorn: Those delightful kernels may seem innocent, but they can wreak havoc by getting lodged in the wires and brackets.
  • Hard candies: Prolonged contact with your braces can lead to damage and even tooth decay.
  • Raw carrots and apples: While nutritious, biting into them without caution can exert undue pressure on your braces.

Choosing braces-friendly alternatives is paramount to prevent unwanted complications. Soft fruits like bananas, berries, and steamed vegetables provide essential nutrients without risk. Yogurt and pudding are also excellent choices, offering a smooth and gentle consistency that won’t jeopardize your orthodontic investment.

Sticky and Chewy Foods

Moving on to the next category of foods to avoid with braces – sticky and chewy. These can be particularly troublesome as they cling to your braces, increasing the likelihood of plaque buildup and cavities.

Their adhesive nature poses oral hygiene challenges and can lead to bracket breakage or wire distortion. Examples of chewy foods to avoid with braces

  • Caramel: This sweet delight can cement itself onto your braces.
  • Toffee: Its persistent stickiness can create a mess and damage your orthodontic appliance.
  • Chewing gum: While it’s alluring for a quick chew, it’s best avoided to prevent complications.

Don’t worry. There are alternatives to satisfy your cravings without compromising your braces. Consider soft chocolate, sugar-free candies, or nut butter. These options provide a safer indulgence while preserving the integrity of your orthodontic treatment.

Sugary and Acidic Foods

Finally, we confront the double trouble posed by sugary and acidic foods when it comes to foods to avoid with braces. These items impact your dental health and can interact with braces materials.

Sugary treats and acidic beverages can lead to enamel erosion and tooth decay. When combined with braces, the risks are compounded. Watch out for soda, fruit juices, candies, and citrus fruits as they fall into this category.

Sugary Candies to Avoid
Sugary Candies to Avoid

Choose sugar-free alternatives and rinse your mouth quickly. Regular dental check-ups are crucial to monitor any potential issues caused by sugary and acidic foods in conjunction with braces.

Foods with Small Particles

Tiny particles can be surprisingly troublesome when avoiding foods with braces. These little bits get stuck in the nooks and crannies of your braces, leading to discomfort and hygiene concerns.

Tiny food particles can lodge themselves between wires and brackets, making it challenging to clean effectively and potentially causing irritation.

It’s not just popcorn that falls into this category. Foods like sesame seeds, chia seeds, and even certain types of bread can cause problems.

To reduce this risk, consider seedless bread and be vigilant about checking your teeth and braces in a mirror after meals. Regular brushing, flossing, and an orthodontic wax application for added protection can help keep these pesky particles at bay.

Tough Meats and Nuts

While meats and nuts are packed with nutrients, they can pose challenges for those with braces. Understanding which varieties to avoid and alternative options is critical to maintaining orthodontic treatment.

Chewing on tough meats or hard nuts can apply excessive force to your braces, potentially causing damage or discomfort.

Crunchy Nuts
Crunchy Nuts

Choose lean and tender cuts of meat, such as chicken or fish, and consider ground or thinly sliced varieties. Choose alternatives like almond butter or finely crushed nuts as toppings for nuts. Cutting meats into smaller, more manageable pieces and chewing slowly can reduce the risk of complications while still enjoying these protein-rich foods.

Foods to Avoid During Orthodontic Procedures

Different stages of orthodontic treatment may require special dietary considerations. Being aware of foods to avoid during adjustments, installations, or repairs temporarily is crucial for a smooth journey.

Your orthodontist may provide specific guidelines for certain procedures. It’s essential to follow their advice closely.

Typically, after orthodontic procedures, it’s advisable to stick to soft foods like yogurt, mashed potatoes, and smoothies to minimize stress on your braces and alleviate potential discomfort.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene with Braces

Keeping your braces and teeth clean is essential to your overall oral health. Implementing the right tools and techniques can substantially impact your orthodontic journey.

  • Proper hygiene prevents plaque buildup, tooth decay, and gum issues, which can worsen.
  • Invest in a soft-bristle toothbrush, interdental brushes, and floss threaders to navigate around wires and brackets. 
  • Consider a water flosser for added cleaning power.
  • Regular dental check-ups are essential. Your orthodontist will guide you on how often you should schedule these appointments, ensuring that your braces are working as intended and your overall oral health remains in top shape.


This article guides you on foods to avoid with braces. Don’t eat hard, crunchy, or sticky foods. They can get stuck in your braces and cause severe problems. Always consult your dentist for diet instructions after getting braces. 


Can I eat popcorn with braces?
It’s best to avoid popcorn as the kernels can get stuck in your braces and brackets.
Is it safe to chew gum with braces?
Chewing gum should be avoided, as it can bend wires and dislodge brackets.

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