Refund Policy

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Reimbursement Guidelines

Dentalsway is committed to facilitating genuine patient inquiries to dental clinics. We achieve this by showcasing your clinic only to users seeking specific treatments you offer, and even then, limited to relevant locations. Rigorous screening methods are employed to filter out fraudulent or spam inquiries before they reach clinics. While the majority of clinic inquiries are authentic, there may be instances where a clinic receives an invalid or non-genuine inquiry. The Dentalsway Enquiry Quality Team continually reviews inquiries to ensure that only legitimate patient referrals are forwarded to clinics. In cases where an inquiry is clearly false and meets the refund criteria set by our Enquiry Quality Team, a refund or credit may be provided.

Key Aspects of Our Refund Policy:

We will consider refunding an unwanted inquiry if it is plausible and reasonable that Dentalsway could have implemented technology or automated processes to prevent the unwanted inquiry.

Dentalsway does not assume responsibility for any medical expertise required to assess the suitability of a patient or inquiry, as this falls outside our area of expertise.

If an inquiry is made for a treatment not listed by the clinic, it may be eligible for a refund. However, inquiries made in good faith based on similar types of treatments offered will not qualify for a refund, as they are considered valid.

Clinic Charges:

The clinic incurs charges for the first email inquiry and the first phone call inquiry from a patient. Follow-up emails and calls from the same patient within six months are not charged. If more than six months have passed since the initial contact, the clinic will be charged again.

Refund Criteria:

Refund requests can only be made within a maximum time frame of 90 days from the initial inquiry date.

The clinic will not be eligible for a refund if it has contacted or responded to an inquiry, indicating the inquiry’s reasonableness and validity.

Exceptions may apply if the clinic automatically responds to emails or informs the patient that they will not be responding.

Refund Eligibility Criteria:

Enquiries deemed clearly false or incorrect from the outset will be reviewed by our Enquiry Quality Team.

Enquiries flagged as incorrect using the provided flagging mechanism within the original inquiry are eligible for review by the Enquiry Quality Team.

Clinics are encouraged to inform Dentalsway if they choose not to accept an inquiry, providing a courtesy notification for the benefit of the patient and to enhance our inquiry service.

Refund requests must be accompanied by appropriate flagging of the inquiry using designated options.

Various scenarios that may be eligible for a refund include:

  • Spam: Enquiries flagged as ‘no contact’ and identified as spam.
  • Fraud: Clearly fraudulent inquiries.
  • Not a listed treatment: Inquiries for treatments not listed by the clinic.
  • Incorrect enquiry: Inquiries for treatments unrelated to the clinic’s offerings.
  • Phone enquiry: Short calls from patients reported as spam or for treatments not offered.
  • Brand name issue: Enquiries for treatments specific to a brand name.
  • High-risk or unsuitable patient: Patients deemed too high risk or unsuitable for treatment.
  • Contact outside of Dentalsway: No refund if the patient has also made direct contact through another medium.
  • Return patient: No charge if a patient contacts the clinic again within six months using the same contact details.
  • Existing patient: Refund eligibility if an existing patient contacts the clinic from outside Dentalsway.

Please note that these are general guidelines, and specific situations may vary. It is recommended to review the complete refund policy for comprehensive details.

Refund Exclusions and Considerations:

  • Treatment Prices: Inquiries related to treatment prices are not eligible for a refund, even if the clinic’s prices are listed on their profile. Patients interested in treatment pricing are deemed valid inquiries.

  • Missed Phone Calls: If a clinic has a missed call from a patient, they are obligated to follow up on the inquiry. If the follow-up call indicates that the original inquiry was not valid, the clinic can request a refund. Providing detailed information about the call enhances the refund process.

  • Out of Hours Phone Enquiries: Phone calls made outside of a clinic’s opening hours are still considered genuine. Clinics are expected to follow up on these inquiries. If reported as spam or for an unrelated treatment, the call must be of reasonable duration for a refund to be considered.

  • Calls from Withheld Numbers: Clinics are not charged for missed calls from withheld numbers. If answered, the clinic is charged. Refunds will not be given for calls over 1 minute in duration, as it is the clinic’s responsibility to collect patient contact information during that time.

  • Patient Location: Refunds will not be given if a patient is in a different location than the clinic. Patient searches are based on treatment, clinic type, and location selected by the patient, implying their willingness to travel to that location.

  • Invalid Email/Phone: For a refund under these criteria, both phone and email details must be invalid. An invalid phone number does not connect, has an incorrect number of digits, or is answered by someone unaware of the inquiry. An invalid email will bounce, and clinics must report bounced emails for consideration.

  • Unable to Provide Treatment: If a treatment becomes impossible for any reason, even if the inquiry matched a listed treatment, no refund will be issued, as Dentalsway cannot foresee such circumstances.

  • No Response: Refunds will not be given if the patient does not respond to the clinic, does not schedule an appointment, or fails to attend an appointment. Marking such inquiries as bogus or spam is discouraged, as the original inquiry was genuine.

  • Follow-up Emails: In cases where a clinic receives follow-up emails containing spam links, no refund will be given. The original inquiry is considered genuine, and clinics are advised to contact [email protected] for guidance on handling such situations.

  • Enquiry Addressed to Different Clinic: Occasionally, a patient may send the same inquiry to multiple clinics without editing the content. In such cases, where the inquiry is still meant for the clinic, it is considered genuine, and clinics are encouraged to contact the patient promptly.

  • Enquiries in Other Languages: Clinics receiving inquiries in languages other than English or the clinic’s location language may be eligible for a refund. However, if the clinic chooses to follow up with these inquiries, they forfeit their eligibility for a refund.

Important Note on Treatments Offered:

Clinics may receive inquiries from rollovers due to insufficient available clinics for a precise search. If the inquiry is genuine and aligns with the clinic’s services in good faith, it is considered valid and not eligible for a refund. Clinics wishing to opt out of rollover searches can adjust their settings in the FrontDesk section.

These guidelines outline the general framework of our refund policy, and each situation is subject to a case-by-case evaluation by Dentalsway’s Enquiry Quality Team. Clinics are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the complete refund policy for comprehensive details.

About Dentalsway:

At Dentalsway, we are dedicated to fostering a transparent and efficient platform for dental clinics and patients alike. Our commitment to maintaining the integrity of patient inquiries ensures a positive experience for all parties involved. We understand that each clinic-patient interaction is unique, and our refund policy is designed to address various scenarios while upholding fairness and accountability.

Enquiry Quality Team:

Our Enquiry Quality Team plays a crucial role in thoroughly reviewing flagged inquiries and assessing refund eligibility. Their objective is to guarantee that clinics receive genuine patient referrals and that our platform maintains the highest standards of quality and reliability.

Clinic Communication:

We encourage open communication between clinics and Dentalsway. If a clinic chooses not to accept an inquiry for any reason, we appreciate being informed through appropriate flagging options. This not only serves as a courtesy to the patient but also aids us in enhancing our services. Transparency is key to building a trustworthy and collaborative environment.

Refund Request Process:

To initiate a refund request, clinics are required to flag the inquiry appropriately using the designated options at the time of its arrival. This information is essential for our Enquiry Quality Team to conduct a thorough review. Refund requests must be made within a maximum time frame of 90 days from the initial inquiry date.

Additional Considerations:

  • Follow-up Communications: The duration and nature of follow-up communications play a role in determining the validity of an inquiry. Clinics are encouraged to provide as much detail as possible when reporting spam, incorrect inquiries, or calls.

  • Patient Responses: Refunds will not be issued based on patient actions such as not responding to clinic communications, not scheduling appointments, or not attending scheduled appointments. These aspects are outside the scope of our refund policy.

  • Service Accessibility: Clinics are responsible for ensuring that their contact information is accessible to patients. Missed opportunities to contact patients due to incomplete contact details may not be eligible for a refund.

Feedback and Improvement:

At Dentalsway, we believe in continuous improvement, and your feedback is invaluable to us. If you have suggestions, concerns, or experiences that can contribute to enhancing our platform, please don’t hesitate to share them with us. Your input helps us refine our services and ensures that Dentalsway remains a leading destination for dental clinics and patients seeking quality care.

Stay Informed:

To stay informed about updates, announcements, and additional resources, we encourage clinics to regularly check our communication channels, including emails, newsletters, and the Dentalsway dashboard. By staying informed, clinics can make the most of their partnership with Dentalsway and provide an optimal experience for their patients.

Explore Our Toolkit:

Clinics are invited to explore our Marketing Toolkit, a resource designed to help clinics maximize their online presence and reach a wider audience. The toolkit includes tips, guides, and best practices for leveraging Dentalsway effectively. We are committed to supporting clinics in promoting their services and connecting with prospective patients.

Connect With Us:

We value the relationships we build with clinics, and our team is here to assist with any queries or challenges you may encounter. Whether you need assistance with your clinic profile, have questions about the platform, or require technical support, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

Social Media Presence:

Connect with Dentalsway on social media to stay engaged with our community and access the latest updates. Follow us on [social media handles] for news, success stories, and relevant information that can benefit your clinic’s online presence.


Dentalsway strives to be a reliable partner for dental clinics, facilitating genuine patient connections and providing a platform for clinics to showcase their services. Our commitment to fairness, transparency, and continuous improvement underscores our dedication to creating a positive experience for both clinics and patients.

For further inquiries or clarification on specific cases, clinics are welcome to reach out to our support team at [email protected]. We value the trust placed in Dentalsway by clinics and patients alike and remain committed to upholding the highest standards in dental care and service.

Thank you for choosing Dentalsway as your partner in dental excellence.


The Dentalsway Team